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Chinese translation for "cargo capacity"


Related Translations:
cargo:  n.(pl. cargos, cargoes) 船货;负荷,荷重。 ship [discharge] the cargo装[卸]货。 a cargo boat[ship, vessel] 货船。
floating cargo:  未到埠船货。
general cargo:  一般货物。
capacity:  n.1.包容力,吸收力,收容力。2.容积,容量;【电学】电容,负载量。3.能力,才干,本领;性能,机能。4.地位,资格,身分。5.【法律】法定资格,权力,权能。6.生产额;(最大)产量[生产力]。短语和例子measures of capacity容积,容量。 a mind of great capacity度量大的人。 the crop capacity作物(最大)生产力〔
Example Sentences:
1.Sufficient cargo capacity
2.Experts say the extra speed on the rails will increase passenger and cargo capacity significantly
3.Currently , the airport has a passenger capacity of 45 million and cargo capacity of 3 million tonnes annually
现时香港国际机场每年的客运量4 , 500万人次,货运量300万公吨。
4.Currently , the airport has a passenger capacity of 45 million and cargo capacity of 3 million tonnes annually
现时香港国际机场每年的客运量4 , 500万人次,货运量300万公吨。
5.The airport s current annual cargo capacity is three million tonnes , which ultimately can increase to nine million tonnes per year
6.Later that year , fedex strengthened service offering between asia pacific and europe with upgrade of md - 11 aircraft , doubling cargo capacity and expanding volume by 50 tons per day
7.The airport provides a cargo capacity of 3 million tonnes per year . it has an express centre , which is specifically built for the express industry and has a capacity of 200 , 000 tonnes per year
8.The airport provides a cargo capacity of 3 million tonnes per year . it has an express centre , which is specifically built for the express industry and has a capacity of 200 , 000 tonnes per year
9.Sorting capacity at subic bay was doubled through facility expansion and enhanced automation for even faster document sorting . later that year , fedex strengthened service offering between asia pacific and europe with upgrade of md - 11 aircraft , doubling cargo capacity and expanding volume by 50 tons per day
10.The research of this paper includes three parts : the first , according to the statistical figures about the cargo transport in recent years , it analyzes cargo transport structure and the changing law and the internal reason of cargo transport . at the same time it analyzes and calculates the change of the arriving ships " structure for a systematic and full understand of the transport demands . the second , it make a scientific forecast of the port ' s future cargo capacity making use of the grey forecast system , which provides scientific basis for medium - long term development plan of the port ' s cargo handling capacity
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